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Hi! This is Smobot. Smobot is a chatbot friend for learning the Smojo language and developing smojo chatbot.


Smobot is a companion chatbot in learning the smojo language and how to create smojo chatbots from basic to advanced level Smobot is suitable for beginners who don't have an IT background because it uses language that is easy to understand.

Code Template Ease of USe

Level: advanced

Knowledge Pre-Requisites: CU101 (all chapter) , Design thinking, CSV, Database, Smojo Basic


  1. Adventure-based learning using fun, cute avatars
  2. storage of user progress in each learning sub-chapter.
  3. last open feature that makes it easy for users to re-access the last reading
  4. Quick search is done by retrieving data from CSV
  5. Content updating via CSV
  6. bite-size learning content education

Created by

  1. Farrel Adel Mohammad, Aprillia Trisnawaty