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The Smojo Virtual Machine


This project aims to help anyone run Smojo programs on their own laptops, phones or servers. We have virtual machines in Java (main), JavaScript and C++.

What is this project about?

This project enables you to:

  • write and publish programs your Smojo programs,
  • run that program anywhere using the appropriate Smojo Virtual Machine (SmojoVM).

So, it's a 2-step process: You write and publish the program first, then run it using the right SmojoVM. There are 2 ways to run your Smojo program:

  1. Use the SmojoVM/Java version to run it on any computer (with Java v11+).
  2. Run that code on a web browser using SmojoVM/Javascript.

There is also an experimental SmojoVM/C++ only for POSIX-like OSes (MacOSX,Linux,BSD).

Can I use SmojoVM without a Smojo account?

Yes you can! First, follow the instructions below to download and compile the relevant VM. Second, you need to know the username/program of any published Smojo program you wish to run. Then simply use the relevant SmojoVM run option to run this program. It's that easy!

Supported Platforms & Languages

SmojoVM is implemented in 3 languages: Java, JavaScript and C++. The Java and JavaScript versions should run on all major platforms, but the C++ one has only been tested on MacOSX, Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD.

  • The Java version is the most feature complete. Use it for most applications. It requires Java 11+.
  • The JavaScript version is designed for use on browsers. Usage on node.js is possible but not tested.
  • The C++ version is experimental, only for POSIX-compliant systems.

How to Publish your Smojo Application

The first step is to write your Smojo application then publish it.

The publishing mechanism uses a main.m file with a publish word:

copy code
\ === main.m ===
\ .strict

    include hello.m

: debug .debug ;

: publish
    json: json
    publish: hello.json
    title: Hello World
    description: Hello World programme

You should copy this code as a template into your own main.m. The orange code needs editing of course. The sample above is to publish a file called hello.m. Note that the publish: word needs a file extension .json

You should also have the usual ui-words.json file also:

copy code
  { "label" : "Debug"       , "wordname" : "debug"    },
  { "label" : "Publish"       , "wordname" : "publish" }

Saved to the same folder as main.m

Key points to note:

  • In the example main.m above, the included file is hello.m, but you should use your own.
  • Your program files should be included between vm{ and }vm.
  • Your publish: name must end with .json
  • You should also edit the title and description of your program.

Using the Java Version of SmojoVM on MacOSX/Linux/BSD

The Java version

  1. Runs on all platforms supporting Java™ Runtime.
  2. Download script available for MacOSX / Linux / BSD.
  3. You must have Curl installed to perform the download.
  4. You should have Java 11+ installed.

Step 1: In the first step (MacOSX™/Linux/BSD), you should download the installation bash script:

copy code
curl -k >
chmod +x
./ -c

These commands download the installation script for Java into a file called and makes it executable. The -c option downloads and compiles the latest version of SmojoVM/Java. This results in a .jar file that is saved in your system's temporary in-memory folder.

Step 2: After running the compilation, you can now run published Smojo programs using the same installer script, but using the command -r:

copy code
./ -r username/program

For example:

copy code
./ -r arnold/hello

SmojoVM/Java on Windows and other OSes

Instead of using the bash script method (as described in the preceding section) you may also download, compile and run SmojoVM/Java manually.

Ensure that you have the Java Development Kit for your platform (ver 11+) installed on your computer.

Step 1: Download the latest copy of SmojoVM/Java using the following link:

copy code

Step 2: Rename the downloaded file as The name is case sensitive.

Step 3: Create a folder called smojo in the same place you have

Step 4: Run this command in the parent folder of smojo:

copy code
javac -d ./smojo
jar cfe smojo.jar SmojoVM -C ./smojo .

Step 5: These steps should yield a jar file called smojo.jar To run a published app (eg, arnold/hello) on this VM, you should use the command:

copy code
java -jar smojo.jar

To run other applications, simply replace with username/app of the published app.

Using the JavaScript version of SmojoVM

The JavaScript version doesn't have to be compiled. You only have to import it in your webpage's <head> section:

copy code
<script src=""></script>

This code exposes a JavaScript class called SmojoVM. The VM will need a way to input a published program and a way to output the result.

  • You set the output by using setPrinter
  • You run a published smojo program by calling smojoMain

Here's an example script, assuming an output div called output, running the program arnold/snake:

copy code
    const smojo = new SmojoVM();

        var x = document.getElementById("output");
            x.innerText = x.innerText + s;

    function runApp(url){
        document.getElementById("output").innerText = "";



There is a sample test page for SmojoVM/JavaScript here:

copy code

Clicking on the blue links will run the associated program. The source code for these programs are in the test folder in the download.